Upgrade any weapon to 3 stars at a weapon locker. Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range - Upgrade a weapon to its maximum level. There are many like it, but this one is mine - Convert a weapon.Īssuming you have purchased at least one new weapon either with cash or KPA tech points, you can convert your existing weapon to at least one other weapon type, press "X" and select a new weapon.Īccessorize - Add an attachment to a weapon.Īssuming you have purchased at least one attachment at a weapons locker, press "X" and attach it to a suitable weapon in your inventory. Simply drop the bears in the path of patrolling soldiers and wait for the boom. Works best with the Teddy Bear option from the Equipment category at the equipment locker. Surprise! - Kill 20 KPA using proximity based GTK items. Throw a distraction in the container to pin them in, then throw a molotov to kill 5 at once. There is a shipping container where the KPA attack from. The other option is when you are helping Ned escape.

When an airship detects you, a large group of KPA will spawn, if you can be close enough to the spawn point it is possible to get 5 with a molotov. It can be tough to get 5 KPA in a tight enough radius for a single molotv to kill them. Props to the developers for the Family Guy reference. Seems to work on soldiers patrolling as well as standing still. Oh a piece of candy! - Distract 30 KPA from their guard posts in yellow zone without being detected.Īnytime you see a KPA soldier standing around throw a distraction or brick to get them to chase it. Before deploying the RC car be sure you are out of the line of sight of your target to avoid being attacked while maneuvering the RC car. You can detonate near the rear where the gas tank is for maximum effect. Deploy the RC car and drive it under the Armored car and detonate. Find a suitable map (Ashgate works well), where there are multiple armored cars moving around. Once you have purchased the option, make sure you have a pipe bomb available. You will need to make sure you have purchased the RC car option from the Equipment category at a weapons locker with your KPA Tech points before attempting this. Micro Machine - Destroy an armored car with an RC car. Press the wheel on your mouse to bring up the GTK menu in game. Easily achieved through regular game play. Use each type of GTK item molotov, pipe bomb, hack tool and distraction (fire crackers). Guerrilla Master - Deploy every type of GTK item at least once. Manufacture a molotov, pipe bomb, hack tool or distraction (fire crackers). Green diamond symbol indicates flashpoint location and distance.įlashpoint to be resolved (stop the Dusters in this case)Ĭooking up a storm - Manufacture a GTK item. The best strategy is to make strikepoints a priority until you get the achievement or to delay capturing all strike points in Elmtree until you have resolved enough strikepoints for the achievement.

Note that once a red zone has all strikepoints captured, flash points will no longer occur. You have a limited time to reach the zone and complete the mission. Parrish will call for you to help comrades being attacked by the KPA. Hint : Some are much easier than others, try to target jobs that require taking pictures or killing with a certain weapon.įlash ah aaaahhh! - Capture / resolve 20 flashpoints.įlash points occur in red zones (Elmtree, Holloway, Lombard and Oldtown). The achievement says "all", but the counter only requires 20 jobs to earn this achievement. You can tell which locations have a job board by the thumb tack on the map. Jobs can be found in safehouses or captured strikepoints on a bulletin board. Press "E" when in front of one to change the signal to the resistance network. Ham radios can be heard when you are close or found on your map if you have hacked a transponder.

Hit all the stashes you can find to finish this early.Ĭan't stop the signal - Activate 20 HAM radios. Journals (see pic below) are common around stashes. Strongholds look like a castle on your map. There are 11 strongholds to capture (3 in each red zone except Lombard which has 2), you should get this automatically as you work to complete "This is our town, Nork". Most people report capturing all strikepoints, but not earning the achievement, if this happens start a new game and continue capturing strikepoints until the achievement pops. Note that Strikepoints are any capturable area including Transponders, Strongholds, Drone Control or Police Stations in addition to simple strike points. There are 69 total strikepoints in the game spread over 7 areas (see chart). This is our town, Nork - Capture all Strike Points. Most players will earn this in a typical play through since there are 69 total. Striking Back - Capture 30 Strike Points. Capture any strike point to earn this achievement. These achievements are earned through regular single player gameplay.Įssentially unmissable.